Traditionally, the focus of the wedding day tends to fall on the bride. Her dress, make-up and hair will be under scrutiny, as will the wedding ring that she will be proudly displaying to friends and family once the ceremony is over. However, grooms are being more coerced to share the spotlight and wedding rings for men are taking on an importance all of their own.
The tradition for men to wear platinum wedding rings at all is a relatively recent one. Before 1940, according to the Office of Historical Statistics, only 15% of men chose to wear a wedding ring. It seems that it was deemed to be effeminate and impractical; in short, something better left to the ladies. However, with the advent of the Second World War, more and more men chose to wear them. Wedding rings now acted as a reminder of loved ones; a symbol of their love and dedication to one another, even though they were separated by distance and war. In the 1950’s, the Korean War saw the number of American soldiers wearing rings escalate to around 70%, again used as a reminder of the vows and sanctity of marriage.
Today, between 80% and 90% of men wear wedding rings and continue to wear them as part of their daily dress, so it has become more important to ensure that the choice of ring for the groom is given as much consideration as the one chosen for the bride. In design terms, male wedding rings are simpler versions of those for women.
They tend to be plainer, devoid of adornments such as gemstones and engravings, and they tend to be thicker and heavier than female wedding rings. In practical terms, platinum is the most durable of the traditional metals used for wedding rings. It does not scratch or tarnish as readily as the softer metals of gold or silver. We will be happy to help you find a ring for your intended husband that will, in turn, complement yours and help you share the spotlight of your special day.