Creating the perfect proposal takes a bit of imagination and effort, but one of the best ways to make her gasp with joy and exclaim “yes!” is to surprise her. Platinum engagement rings are your ally in this mission – their beauty, shine and the sparkle of a diamond will wow her and guarantee you an acceptance. This is how to use platinum engagement rings to your best advantage in a secret proposal.
Platinum Engagement Rings – Choose Your Ring
The first step in your surprise proposal is, naturally, to buy her dream ring. Platinum engagement rings are perfect because of their high quality, hard-wearing metal and the way they beautifully off-set diamonds. Nothing will dazzle her more than the shine of one of the many designs of platinum engagement rings available today. To keep your proposal secret you will need to be careful when shopping for the ring. The safest bet is to shop online from work with a reputable online retailer of platinum engagement rings, so she won’t be able to trace your footsteps or catch you out unawares. Have the ring delivered to your workplace too, to ensure you can throw a real surprise. Platinum engagement rings come in all sorts of styles and sizes, with a variety of diamonds varying in cut, colour and carat. Find out what her tastes are before you buy, and try not to go overboard with your budget. There are great deals to be had with online platinum engagement rings retailers because of their lower overheads.
Platinum Engagement Rings – Set the Scene
Next, you will need to decide where to surprise her. Dropping to one knee in your local restaurant won’t score many points, so book a romantic weekend away, or take her somewhere special to participate in her favourite activity like skiing or diving. The more creativity and imagination you can use, the better. Platinum engagement rings will always be met with approval by women, but when they are presented in a beautiful setting – such as a tropical beach at sunset – the effect will be greatly enhanced. You will need to book the trip and get her organised for it without giving away any clues as to your proposal plans. Keep the platinum engagement ring’s box well hidden in your suitcase, and keep your cool on the big day so your nerves don’t give you away. If possible, book your break for her birthday weekend or your anniversary to throw her off the scent.