• Titanium and Platinum Wedding Ring

Titanium and Platinum Wedding Ring PRC1810TIP



Titanium and Platinum wedding ring where the titanium is set on the one edge to give a minimalistic appeal. Curved inner edges for extra comfort. The dark grey denotes the titanium.

Titanium is definitely considered a "space aged "metal. It is used in many aircraft and spaceships like the space shuttle. Because of it's corrosion resistance and the incredible strength to weight ration titanium is one of the most intrinsically valuable metals on our planet.

Titanium has also become one of the most beautiful and care free types of jewellery in the world also. It is extremely strong and lightweight.

Because of it's corrosion resistant nature it will resist the marring and tarnishing that other jewellery metals have been known to suffer from.

Titanium jewellery's strength and scratch resistance mean that only the simplest care and maintenance are required.

All of our titanium and Platinum wedding rings are milled, engineered and hand finished in state of the art workshops.


Platinum Purity 95% - Hallmarked 950
Finish Satin matt
Available Widths 7.5mm
Weights 16.5 grams
Gauge/Depth 1.9mm
Delivery 21-28 days
Guaranteed Refund 28 days
Up to 50% off High Street Prices
Up to 50% off High Street Prices

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